We understand the dangers that developers face. We will help you with setting up the best shareholding structure and the acquisition of construction plots. We will provide support for structuring and negotiating contracts with suppliers. Each project has its own specifics, whether it is archaeological discoveries, environmental burdens or problems with access. We know that you expect us to provide swift solutions as you are under pressure from suppliers, financing banks and your clients.

Majerník & Miháliková
Purchase and sale
We have been advising clients on the purchase and sale of real estate (whether through asset deals or share deals) for a very long time. Nationalisation, privatisation, restitution, land adjustments, complex land legislation, limited due diligence options, duplicate ownership, inconsistent practices of cadastral offices or inexperienced real estate agents – this is only a brief catalogue of problems that we have encountered. Legal defects are one of the most notorious problems of real estate. We will assist you in making an informed decision on any contemplated purchase or sale.

Majerník & Miháliková
The construction of a residential, commercial or administrative development is an enormous undertaking. We know that even if this is completed, the crucial work just starts. Agreements on future lease contracts, leases, fit outs, guarantees, warranties, enforcement of claims for damages, operations manuals and property management are all very complex topics. The quality of the contracts drafted will sooner or later become important. In every large construction project there will inevitably be some disputes. We will help you to arrange your legal relationships in the best possible way, with the objective of avoiding disputes. We will help you to foresee potential problems and we will propose contractual solutions. If none are available, we will advise you how to proceed.

Majerník & Miháliková